Mice can make good pets, but mice are also good as laboratory animals. Their minds and bodies respond like people do so they are good test animals. Mice also make good pets as they do not need lots of space, they don’t smell bad (except the males), they are clean, and entertaining. They like hanging out with people and they are cuddly too.
On the other hand, mice can be a problem for humans. They can invade a home and may eat food, wires, dog food, and insulation. With their natural habitat shrinking, mice seek out human homes that offer shelter, food and water.
Mice have long lifespans, which is good for a pet but bad for problem mice. An adult mouse can have up to 8 litters of 5-6 mice a year. And the little mice start breeding at 12 months, so you can quickly have a mouse explosion if you do not want mice.
Mice are good climbers. In the home, you can find them on the top shelves of the kitchen cabinets. Guess what comes with mice? Mice droppings. Mice poop wherever they are so mouse poop can be scattered around the house because mice travel around and poop wherever they travel.
Mice can also carry diseases. The disease Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis (LCM) can be contracted by breathing the dust from mice dropping. It includes several form of meningitis.
Mice can make great pets. They are routinely used in laboratories. If you want mice as pets, then some precautions need to be taken like washing your hands after handling your pet.
If you don’t want mice in your house, and you find mice in your house, then you have a problem and the sooner you tackle it, the better it will be.
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