The spookiest time of year is here! Whether you buy your pumpkins or grow them in your own garden, it’s not too early to think about making jack-o’-lanterns for Halloween.
The most common kind of jack-o’-lantern is a big, round, orange pumpkin with a face carved into it, right? Some of the first jack-o’-lanterns were actually carved out of turnips! There are so many different ways to make one.
Let’s make a plan together!
Choose a Gourd
These spooky Halloween lanterns can be made out of foods with all kinds of shapes, sizes, and colors.
The most popular are pumpkins, other squash, and gourds, and they come in white, yellow, orange, green, and even blue.
Choose a Design
Think about how you want your jack-o’-lantern to look. You could do a traditional face, an animal, a pattern, a Halloween scene, or whatever you want to create.
When you’ve decided what you want to make, check that it will fit on your pumpkin, squash, or gourd. Make a stencil with paper, or use a marker to draw out your design.
Time to Paint, Draw or Carve!
Now it’s time to get messy. You can carve, paint, or even draw your design onto your jack o’ lantern. Ask a grown up for help with carving!
If you carve out the inside of the pumpkin, don’t just throw away the insides. Mice like me love to nibble on pumpkin seeds, and I’ve heard that humans do the same. The seeds can be toasted and then added to your favorite foods.
Get in the spirit by reading your favorite Halloween books! Buy a copy of Martin the Mouse in a Haunted House to read about my fur-raising adventure. You can see my jack-o’-lantern right on the cover!
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