You might think of a rosebush as pretty small, but from where I stand as a mouse, it’s not small at all! To mice, a rose garden looks like a forest with very tall trees.
I once climbed to the top of a rosebush to get a better look around. Its stems and branches were as thick as my arms, and its leaves were almost as big as me.
I climbed up, up, up!
Rosebushes have a lot of thorns, so I had to be careful and climb slowly. One branch at a time. As I got closer to the top, I saw more and more red flowers. Some were still closed up rosebuds, and others had bloomed open wide.
At the top, I sat down on the red petals of a rose and looked around. WOW!
There were trees even taller than this bush. And little green shrubs growing in different shapes and patterns. And so many rosebushes I couldn’t count them all. And in the middle there was a big, grassy lawn shaped like a rectangle.
At the edge of the lawn was a big, white house. You know I LOVE houses. It had columns, and half circle windows, and doors made of glass.
You’ll never guess who I saw walk through the garden, into the house. The President of the United States! Can you believe it?!
I had to get a closer look, so I started my way back down.
Read more about my adventures that day in Martin the Mouse in the White House!
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